
Sunday 16 April 2023

Ephesians 6:19,20 - Proclaiming boldly


Paul includes himself in those that the Ephesians should be praying for. In particular he wants them to pray that God will “give him the words to say”, to use a typical Christian phrase. As Paul puts it here, “boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel”. Too often we seek to soft-pedal the gospel. While we should use common sense and not be stupid, soft-pedalling is a mistake, and represents a misunderstanding of what we are meant to do. The mission is a God led, God centred mission. Our “success” depends entirely upon the Holy Spirit, and so we should proclaim the gospel clearly and boldly.


Paul reminds them that he is “an ambassador in chains”. Paul was probably in prison when he wrote this letter. Even though he was in prison, Paul knew he was where God wanted him to be.And he was representing God in those circumstances. His task, was to declare the gospel boldly.

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