
Thursday 13 April 2023

Ephesians 6:13,14 - Take up the whole armour of God


There are three things we learn from this verse. The first is that we are to put on the full armour of God. We do not pick and choose, we need all of it so that we are fully equipped. Secondly, there is an evil day. This does not mean a single day, but rather that there are times of evil. Finally, we are to withstand the evil day and to remain standing. Any picture of Christianity that presents a view that it is all nicey, nicey, or that we have an easy life is just so much nonsense. Life’s a battle, but we win.


So we are to fasten the belt of truth and to wear the breastplate of righteousness. The meaning of this can be taken in various ways. The belt of truth could be taken as our living and speaking the truth. We certainly must do this, and if we don’t we will be found out and severely embarrassed. Alternatively, and probably the more likely, it could mean having our lives governed by the truth of the gospel, with this truth framing the whole context of our lives. This would go better with the breastplate of righteousness. Through Christ we are justified, declared righteous. One of the things that usually happens in battles is that we become all too aware of our weaknesses and shortcomings, and the reality of sin within ourselves. We then feel unworthy. But our worthiness comes from Christ, not from ourselves.

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