
Sunday 23 April 2023

Deuteronomy 4:30,31 - When you in distress


In the previous verse Moses presented seeking the Lord as an option. Now he presents it as an established fact, something that definitely will happen. One day Israel will return to the Lord, but this only happens after “all these things have happened”, when they are in distress. This will happen to Israel, but it also happens on an individual level. Individuals often need to come to a place of distress before they turn to the Lord. When we see loved ones who may have turned away from God go through times of distress we will naturally be concerned for them, but we should not lose heart for this could all be part of God’s plan for them returning to Him.


“For the Lord your God is a merciful God”. This is a fundamental characteristic of God, God had committed Himself to Israel, He had made a covenant with them. Likewise He is committed to all of mankind, and He will not forget. This does not mean that everyone gets saved, for we see clearly that not all Israel was saved, many died (Rom 9:6).

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