
Friday 14 April 2023

Ephesians 6:15,16 - Take up the shield of faith


If we are full of guilt then we are paralysed, we do not feel able or worthy to do anything, so we do little or nothing. But the gospel gives us peace with God, we are worthy because of Christ. Therefore we are ready to engage in the battle, not to hide away.


At all times we are to take up the shield of faith. Many flaming darts will be directed at us. We need to learn to expect this, to be ready for it. And we deal with it by faith. All the darts will not have accounted for what Christ has done for us on the cross. And the work that He has done, His death and resurrection annuls every one of these flaming darts. The cross deals with all those that are attacks on our identity, character or worthiness. Other darts will threaten our physical or material condition. Our faith in the love that the Father has for us deals with these.

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