
Wednesday 12 April 2023

Ephesians 6:12 - We do not wrestle against flesh and blood


Paul then describes the nature of the battle. We do not fight against flesh and blood. It is so easy to see men and women as the enemy, and Satan’s attacks will most often come through men and women, but we need to recognise who the real enemy is. Maybe we can draw an analogy with the war against drugs. People who take drugs and small-time dealers are easy to spot, and they do indeed need to change their ways. They are guilty. However, arresting users (which rarely happens these days) or even small-time dealers has virtually no impact on the drug problem. It is the drug barons that need to be defeated in order to make a real impact. The battle we are involved in is somewhat like that. We are fighting against rulers and authorities and cosmic powers. Against the spiritual forces of evil. We should note that the spiritual world is real and has an impact on the material world. Also, note that Paul refers to the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. He started the letter by saying that God has blessed us in the heavenly realms.

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