
Friday 21 April 2023

Philippians 1:2-4 - I thank my God


“Grace and peace” features in the introduction to most of Paul’s letters. As does the fact that the source of this grace and peace is “God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ”. We live under grace. We have not earned our right to be children of God, this has been freely given to us by God through Jesus Christ. This is why we have peace with God. We may encounter various sorts of trouble in the world, but we have peace with God.


Paul begins the letter by telling the Philippians that he gives thanks to God every time he thinks of them. Later Paul will have various instructions for them. He will not be giving these instructions from a critical spirit or with a carping attitude.  Moreover, Paul prays for them with joy. Joy features heavily in this letter. Joy is different from happiness. Being happy depends upon our circumstances, i.e. it depends on what happens. But joy is in the Lord, and He does not change. So we can be joyful in all situations.

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