
Friday 14 April 2023

Deuteronomy 4:1-4 - Hear the decrees and laws


Moses is now preparing the people for living in the Promised Land, so he will remind them of the commandments. If they followed these commands then they would take possession of the land, and would live there. He also reminds them the Lord is the God of their ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob being particularly in mind. They were not to add nor subtract from the Lord’s commands. Rev 22:18,19 contains a similar warning, though in that case it is probably referring specifically to Revelation itself. 1 Cor 4:6 also warns us not to go beyond what is written.


Now there is a specific warning against idolatry, and the history of Israel provides a demonstration of the seriousness of this. After the Balak incident they had been led astray and worshipped idols. Those who had worshipped idols had been destroyed, those who had refused to do so were alive and ready to go into the Promised Land. Idol worship was to be a constant snare to the Israelites throughout their history, and John closes his first letter with the instruction for his readers to keep themselves free from idols.

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