
Sunday 30 April 2023

Philippians 1:21,22 - To live is Christ, to die is gain


“For to me to live is Christ, to die is gain”. For the worldly person this life is all they have, and it is lived for themselves. For the believer things are very different. The life we live now is lived for Christ, not for ourselves. There are times when life can seem very difficult, and indeed is very difficult. It can help in those times to remind ourselves that we are to live for Christ not for ourselves. This doesn’t mean that how we are feeling, or what we are experiencing, doesn’t matter, but God takes care of us. We live for Christ, God takes care of us. It changes our perspective, and for the better. If Paul did die, as we all will one day, then that would be gain. For we will then be with Christ forever. 


So if Paul lives, he will do useful labour for Christ, whether that be in the prison, or out in the world. So Paul is in a win-win situation. This attitude helps us to rise above circumstances. What Paul describes in these verses is part of living by the Spirit, and not by the flesh, and it brings life to our bodies. Even so, Paul still ponders which is better for now. Should he live or should he die? In one sense this is all hypothetical, for it is God who has the final say in these matters.

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