
Wednesday 26 April 2023

Deuteronomy 4:39-44 - These are the stipulations


Jesus says of Himself that that He has been given “all authority in heaven and on earth” has been given to Him. Here Israel is called upon to acknowledge “that the Lord is God in heaven above, and on the earth below”. “There is no other”, there is only one true God. So all this lays an obligation upon the people to “keep His decrees and commands”. Then it would go well with them in the land.


We now get a short section on cities of refuge, which at first glance seems a little out of place .However, we have not crossed the Jordan yet, but the two and a half tribes have been given their allotted land. So it is right that cities of refuge are set up in that territory. These were place for people who had unintentionally killed someone could flee, and not be killed by the relatives of the victim.


The previous verse marks the end of a section.  Moses now sets the law out to the Israelites. Remember that almost all the people who heard the first giving of the law are now dead. 4:45 makes it clear that Moses is giving the same Law as he gave when they first came out of Egypt. Before we move onto the Law itself, we get a short recounting of the recent victories that Moses and the Israelites have won.

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