
Sunday 9 April 2023

Ephesians 6:6,7 - As to the Lord


Honesty and not deceiving are to be hallmarks of any Christian. The devil is a liar (Jn 8:44), so any deception on the part of Christians is completely out of place. So it is with working. We must do our jobs honestly, and not just giving the impression of working hard when we are anything but. We are “bondservants of Christ” and we do the “will of God from the heart”. Integrity is to be our hallmark.


Ultimately we are serving Christ, not just our human masters. So we “render service with a good will”. Our human masters may be good bosses or bad bosses, or somewhere inbetween. Even so, we seek to do a good job. This doesn’t mean that we cannot question or challenge things through proper channels, but the guiding ethos needs to be that we are working for God.

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