
Friday 28 April 2023

Deuteronomy 5:4-6 - The Lord spoke to you face to face


“The Lord spoke to you face to face”. This seems to be harking back to the original giving of the Law, but stresses that it applies to the present generation. There is a continuity that must not be lost sight of. “Face to face” does not mean a literal face to face, but is a metaphorical turn of phrase. Indeed, the people had been afraid of the Lord, and Moses met God on their behalf.


We then come to the Ten Commandments, starting, as was done before, with God reminding them that He was the Lord their God who brought them up out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. They did not choose to follow the Lord, but He had chosen them. The basis for their relationship with God is that He had rescued them from the land of slavery. The basis for our relationship with God is what He did on the cross for us.

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