
Sunday 2 April 2023

Ephesians 5:20,21 - Submit to one another


We get two more attitudes that we are to have. Seeking to live a “life worthy of our calling” is not just about following rules, but is also about the attitude of heart that we have. And having the right heart attitude helps us to live a life worthy of our calling. First, we are to be thankful. The Psalmist says enter His courts with thanksgiving (Ps 100:4). We are to give thanks to the Father in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We give thanks in the character of Jesus, understanding things from His perspective. 


We are also to submit to one another “out of reverence for Christ. This question of submission will be expanded on in the following verses. Submission causes all sorts of problems and objections. Perhaps this is because rebellion against God is the root sin, and submission is the opposite of rebellion. Submission goes to the heart of the sin within. We are to submit to one another, it is a mutual thing, not a matter of one domineering over another. And the motivation for doing this is reverence for Christ. Christ is the supreme example of submission. He lived His life on earth in perfect submission to the Father. It is also worth noting that He is also the person who had more authority than anyone else who has ever walked on this planet.

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