
Wednesday 12 April 2023

Deuteronomy 3:21-25 - Do not be afraid of them


We now come to Moses and Joshua. Moses speaks to Joshua. All the Israelites had seen many miracles and, more recently, how the Lord had given victory to Israel in battles. Unlike most of Israel, who learnt nothing from these events, Joshua was a man who did learn from them. Joshua had seen the Lord do these things, and Moses assures him that the Lord will continue to do these things. Joshua is not to be afraid, for the Lord would fight for them in the Promised Land. Our God is an active God.


Moses knows what the Lord’s judgement upon him was, but here he pleads to be allowed to “go over and see the good land beyond the Jordan”. He uses the term “Sovereign Lord”, which literally means “my Sovereign Lord”. The Lord is his God, there is a personal relationship. His words can be seen as buttering up God (which didn’t work!), or a genuine expression of faith in the Lord. It is probably a mixture of both. Moses desperately wants to see the Promised Land, the land to which he has led the people for forty years, and knows something of who the Lord is.

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