
Sunday 29 September 2024

1 Samuel 30:1-6 - David and his men reached Ziklag


David returned to Ziklag to find enormous trouble. While he and his men had been absent the Amalekites had raided the place. They had burned everything and taken the women and children captive, though none of them had been killed. This was more trouble that David’s living and acting out of fear had caused. However, this was also going to make a turning point for David, and time when he started to get back on track.


David’s men did not react well, which was quite understandable. Their possessions had been burnt, and their wives and children taken captive. David also shared in the loss as his two wives had been taken. The men talked of stoning David. One of the burdens of leadership is that when things go wrong, when you do things wrong, many people are affected, not just yourself. And those who are affected will naturally want to take it out on the leader. Comparing this to Saul’s reaction, David “found strength in the Lord his God”, rather than seeking the spirits of the dead. When Jesus told Peter that he would deny Jesus three times, Jesus prayed that Peter’s faith would not fail (Lk 22:31,32).  We can all go through times when we fail, and fail badly, but even so if there is the least vestige of faith left in us, we should turn to the Lord.

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