
Saturday 7 September 2024

1 Samuel 24:10-13 - From evildoers come evil deeds


David stresses how the Lord had given Saul into David’s hands, yet David had not killed him. This was despite some of his men urging him to do so.  David then produces the piece of Saul’s robe to demonstrate how close David had been to Saul. So there was ample proof that in no way was David guilty of “wrongdoing or rebellion”. David knew that the Lord would avenge him, but David would leave the avenging to the Lord to do, he would have no part in it (Rom 12:19). 


“From evildoers come evil deeds”. David would have no part in evil. Of course, later on he did have a part in evil, but for now he is innocent. There are two key lessons from all this. The Lord will exact judgement in His timing, sometimes this will be soon, sometimes not. But we are not to take vengeance into our own hands, this is God’s responsibility.

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