
Sunday 1 September 2024

1 Samuel 23:1-6 - Save Keilah


David is on the run, and in this chapter we read of three incidents. The first involves David rescuing Keilah. Keilah was an Israeli town.  The Philistines were attacking the place and “looting the threshing floors”, this means they were taking the harvest. David inquired of the Lord, asking if he should go and attack the Philistines. There is a repeated contrast between David and Saul. Saul acts out of his paranoia and lostness, David seeks the Lord. The Lord tells him to go and attack the Philistines and save Keilah.


David’s men were not so sure. They feared Saul because they were in Judah. When God directs us to do something, there will often be those “on our side” who fear. David’s men feared that saving Keilah would increase the risk. David responded by again asking of the Lord. The Lord repeats His instruction, assuring David that He would give the Philistines into his hand. We are not told if the men’s misgivings were assuaged at all, but they went with David and fought the Philistines. They carried off the livestock, and inflicted a heavy defeat on the Philistines. 23:6 tells us how DaviD “inquired of the Lord”. Abiathar the priest had brought the Ephod with him, and probably the urim and thummim. Keilah was saved, but soon we will see that they were not very grateful to David. God sometimes rescues those who are profoundly ungrateful.

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