
Friday 20 September 2024

1 Corinthians 14:10-14 - Try to excel in those that build up the church


There are many languages, but they all have meaning. We speak with meaning, and to convey meaning. So if someone speaks in a language and I do not understand the language, then the speaker and I are foreigners to each other. So the members of the Corinthian church should be keen to build each other up, not to demonstrate how “gifted” they are. So they should eagerly seek the gifts that build up the church.


“For this reason the one who speaks in a tongue should pray that they may interpret what they say”. This is in reference to speaking on tongues in church, or some other public setting. My praying in tongues, without interpretation, may benefit me, but does not benefit anyone else. Today the gift of interpretation seems to be sadly lacking. Praying in tongues edifies the spirit of the one praying on tongues, but without interpretation benefits no one else. The mind is unfruitful. One thing I have noticed is that to pray in tongues I have to use my tongue, I can do it quietly, but not silently. Conversely, I can pray, think, or speak in English silently, without actually saying anything, for I am using my mind. The “mind is unfruitful” aspect of tongues is important. Our minds are good and useful, but we must not idolise the mind. There are times when our minds are no use, when we don’t know what to think or pray. In those times we can pray in tongues, we can pray with our spirit.

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