
Tuesday 3 September 2024

1 Samuel 23:14-18 - God did not give David up


The “strongholds” that David stayed in would not be fortified towns, but natural strongholds, i.e. areas that were hidden and could be defended. Saul searched for David day after day, but without success because “God did not give David into his hands”. The message of the Bible is that God is in control of everything. This is why it sometimes speaks of God sending an evil spirit, as it did with Saul. Likewise, in John’s gospel the religious leaders were not able to get Jesus until “the hour had come”.


David learnt that Saul was searching for him, wanting to take his life. The fact that Saul was after David’s life was not new. However, Jonathan came out to find David. Jonathan encouraged David and “helped him to find strength in God”. That is a key element in how we should help one another. Doing so will involve practical help, but also helping each other “find strength in God”. Jonathan declares that his father will not succeed, and that David would one day be king. He also sees himself as second to David. This latter aspect would not be fulfilled. The two of them made a covenant and then Jonathan returned home. This would be the last time that Jonathan would see David.

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