
Wednesday 4 September 2024

1 Samuel 23:19-29 - Saul broke off his pursuit


The Ziphites (Ziph was the region that David was hiding in) went and told Saul that David was hiding among them. They invited Saul to come and get David, and they would assist him in doing this. Why did they do this? Perhaps because they saw David as a threat, or rather Israel led by David as a real threat, especially compared to Israel led by Saul.


Saul pretends that he sees this as an act of kindness on the part of the Ziphites, and blesses them in the name of the Lord. He asks them to gather more information on David’s movements. Once he had this information he would go and track David down.


David heard that Saul was searching for him, and something of a game of cat and mouse ensued. Saul’s forces were closing in on David. However, a message then reached Saul that the Philistines were raiding the land, so Saul broke off the hunt to go and deal with the Philistines, and David “went up from there and lived in the strongholds of En Gedi”. So once again God had intervened to keep David safe. It is perhaps worth noting that if Saul had not been such a fool and had had David as his army commander, then the Philistines by now may well have been subdued, or even completely defeated. When godless men rule additional enemies arise and are a problem to the godless rulers.

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