
Monday 2 September 2024

1 Samuel 23:7-13 - Will the citizens of Keilah surrender me to him?


Saul learnt that David was in Keilah. Saul’s first thought was that “God has delivered him into my hands”. Note that he is unconcerned about Keilah having been saved. Instead he thinks that David is now trapped in Keilah and he has the chance to kill him. So Saul summons “all his forces” and goes down to Keilah to besiege David and his men.


David learnt of Saul’s plan and summons his priest. David tells the Lord what he has heard and what he fears. Then he asks the Lord if the people of Keilah would surrender him to Saul, and if what he had heard was true. God tells him that Saul was indeed coming to Keilah, and the people of Keilah would hand David over.As noted earlier, this was rather ungrateful of the people of Keilah. However, sieges could be terrible times. So David and his men left Keilah and kept moving from place to place. David is in a much worse situation than Saul from a human point of view. However, David was with the Lord, and that changed everything. On hearing that David had escaped Saul returned home.

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