
Wednesday 4 September 2024

1 Corinthians 12:18-22 - Just as He wanted them to be


“God has placed each one of the parts in one body just as He wanted”. This looks back to the gifts coming from God. We do not have a gift because we created it, we have it because God gave it to us. And God gave it to us as He wanted, in order that the body of Christ can function all the better. It would be ridiculous for a body to be made up only of feet, or eyes. So it would be ridiculous for a church to have only preachers, or worship leaders. The church has many parts, but is one body. It is perhaps useful to note that Paul here is talking in terms of gifts and roles. He is not talking about different denominations or groupings.


Paul continues with this theme, but now moving on to the fact that some parts seem to be better than others. First of all he points out that the different parts of the body need each other, then saying that even the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are necessary. 

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