
Thursday 19 September 2024

1 Samuel 26:21-25 - I have sinned


Saul reacts in his usual pathetic manner. He says he has sinned, but there is no repentance, no putting his trust in the Lord. That is what was needed in order to bring stability to his life. He urges David to come back, saying he would not harm David, and that he, Saul, had acted like a fool. This latter part was undoubtedly true.


David does not acquiesce to Saul’s request. In fact he gives sound advice to Saul, “the Lord rewards everyone for their righteousness and faithfulness”. Saul had manifestly failed in both these aspects. David also tells Saul to send one of his men to retrieve the spear. Saul blesses David, but they then both go their separate ways.

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