
Friday 6 September 2024

1 Samuel 24:5-9 - David was conscience stricken


After doing this David was conscience stricken. He considered cutting off the corner of Saul’s robe as an offence against “the Lord’s anointed”. Note that David views Saul not purely in terms of who Saul was, but who he was in God’s sight. God had anointed Saul as king, and even though He had revoked this, David still had respect for Saul as King. David then rebukes his own men, and orders them not to attack Saul. Saul, totally unaware of what had happened, left the cave. Indeed, Saul seemed to have been unaware of many things throughout his life.


David, however, went out of the cave and called after Saul. He addresses him as “My lord the king” and bows down to him, demonstrating that David respects the king. Why did David do this? Is he hoping for some sort of reconciliation with Saul, or is it just to show that David is actually no enemy of Saul at all? David does not say it is Saul who is deluded, but that he is listening to wrong voices in believing that David is his enemy. He is making it easier for Saul to repent.

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