
Wednesday 11 September 2024

1 Samuel 25:12-14 - David's men turned round


David’s men went and reported the response from Nabal. David was infuriated. So David gathered his men, they were armed and ready to attack Nabal. He had four hundred men ready to fight, and two hundred stayed to guard the supplies. So even in his anger he was thinking carefully.


However, God was intervening, and He did so through a woman. God Ps 56:13 says that God prevents our feet from stumbling. We have an example of that here, and I guess that all of us can think of times in our lives when God stops us from making stupid decisions. When I know that I am under stress one of my prayers is “God, protect me from my own stupidity”. God intervened here through a woman. The Bible is often accused of being misogynistic. This is a groundless charge. On a general level the Bible offers more protection and value for women than the pagan world ever did or does. More specifically there are many examples of women being portrayed  as better than men, as we have here. In the book of Judges we saw that the women were better than men.

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