
Friday 6 September 2024

1 Corinthians 12:27,28 - You are the body of Christ


Verse 27 sums up the situation, all of them were the body of Christ, and they were all part of it. None of them needed to feel inferior, or less a part of the body of Christ. Likewise, none of them should feel superior to others, and somehow being set apart from the others.


The chapter finishes with a list of various roles within the church, within the body. First he lists apostles, prophets and teachers. These three all feature in the “fivefold ministry” given in Ephesians. Apostles is probably not restricted to the original twelve (or eleven plus Paul), but used more generally. The three ministries are followed by giftings, rather than ministries, naming miracles, healings, helping, guidance and tongues. 

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