
Tuesday 3 September 2024

1 Corinthians 12:14-17 - The body is made up of many parts


“So the body is not one part but many.” We look at each other and see that we do different things, we have different roles and gifts. We might then think that we are in competition with each other, or even opposed to each other, or going along different tracks. All these thoughts are wrong.. We are all part of the same body, and the body has many parts.


Paul now expands on this point. The foot and the hand are different, but it would be ridiculous for the foot or the hand to claim they were not part of the same body. Likewise, the eye and the ear perform different functions, but are part of the same body. Indeed, a foot, or an eye on its own has no value whatsoever. They are only valuable because they are part of the body.

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