
Tuesday 10 September 2024

1 Corinthians 13:4 - Love is patient


We now get a list of things that love is not.  This will be followed by a list of the positive attributes of love. “Love” was the necessary antidote to the many problems the Corinthians were encountering. It is the change of heart that we all need. And “love” as used in the Bible, and especially here, is not sentimental mush. First, love is patient and kind. In Col 3:13 Paul urges them to bear with one another. We are to give one another time to grow, rather than being impatient with each other. We are also to be kind. Love does not envy. When someone else has something good, be it possessions or characteristics, or whatever, we rejoice in their blessing, rather than wishing we had it instead of them. “It does not boast”. It is not proud (NIV) or arrogant (ESV). There is little practical difference. Love is not all about exalting oneself, but is actually more concerned with exalting the other person.

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