
Friday 13 September 2024

1 Corinthians 13:8,9 - Love never fails


Paul now puts the gifts in their proper context. The Corinthians had attached a wrong sort of significance to them, considering them to be the pinnacle of God’s grace towards us. The early charismatic movement maybe did the same thing (and possibly some still do), this was understandable in a way as most of the church had almost completely neglected spiritual gifts. However, Paul puts gifts in their proper place. They are tools (good gifts from God) to be used in the context of love, and they are temporal. Prophecy, tongues and knowledge will pass away. In all this Paul is looking forward to the completion of God’s work, to the return of Christ and the resurrection. This is particularly important when we come to 13:10.


Paul now notes the present limitations of prophecy and knowledge. Prophecy does not tell us everything, and we do not know everything. None of this verse, nor this passage, is to say that prophecy, tongues etc are not useful. They are useful, they are good gifts from God. Rather it is a matter of having the right perspective.

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