
Wednesday 18 September 2024

1 Samuel 26:12-20 - Aren't you going to answer me?


David took the spear and water jug in order to impress a point on Saul, to make him realise how vulnerable he actually was. We are told in 26:12 that “the Lord has put them into a deep sleep”. This is tacit approval of David’s actions. David then crossed over to the other side and stood on top of a hill, he then taunted Saul’s army, Abner in particular. Abner’s job had been to protect Saul and David’s actions proved that he had failed in that task.


David pointed out to Abner that his king could so easily have been killed, if David had wanted to do that, David points to the spear and water jug as proof that he could have killed Saul if had wanted to. While David is saying all this, Saul hears and recognises David’s voice, and then speaks to David. David then asks Saul why he is continuing to pursue him. The size of Saul’s forces were out of all proportion for hunting one man.

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