
Sunday 12 January 2020

Isaiah 52:13-15 - My servant shall act wisely

we now come to the most famous and most important part of Isaiah, the prophecy of the suffering servant. How can all these promises possibly be fulfilled? How can God’s righteousness be maintained? How can a sinful people become the true people of God?  These are the great questions that need to be answered, and they are answered through the suffering servant.
The servant will act wisely, and He will be greatly exalted. The cross was foolishness to the Greeks and an offence to the Jews, but it was the wisest act in history. The servant would be raised up and highly exalted. Christ was lifted up on a cross, but this was not very glorifying in human terms. However, He was, is and will be greatly exalted. He ascended to heaven to be seated at the right hand of the Father, and has been given all power and authority. He will return and at that day every knee will bow down and confess that Christ is Lord.


These two verses recognise the paradox of the cross. Many were appalled at Him. He was mocked during the trial, and while He was on the cross. Crucifixion was a most terrible form of execution, one so terrible and eventually even the Romans abandoned it (but only after several thousand had been killed that way). Yet the suffering was vital, and it is only because He went to the cross that He can sprinkle many nations. And these are nations that had not previously heard of Him. Yet these nations will see and understand. 

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