
Monday 20 January 2020

2 Corinthians 11:1-3 - Yes, please put up with me!

Paul does not want to get into speaking about himself but feels he has to. Prov 26:4 say answer a fool according to his wisdom and the 26:5 says do not answer a fool according to his wisdom. These two verses are not contradicting each other. What they are saying is that there is a time to answer them, and a time to ignore them. It takes wisdom to know which one to apply in any given situation. Paul feels that he must say something here. So he asks the Corinthians to put up with his “foolishness” for a little while. Paul proclaimed the gospel to the Corinthians not to win their allegiance to him, but to win their undivided allegiance to Christ. And he wanted that allegiance to remain pure.

Now he fears that they have been led astray. He looks back to the example of Eve. She, along with Adam, had everything, but then the devil came along and deceived Eve, denying what God had said to them. Notice the basic nature of the sin. God had said in Gen 2:17 that they must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, if they did so they would die. This pattern is repeated again and again. In the area of sexual morality God states clearly that sex is for marriage between one man and one woman. It is not for outside marriage, and it is not for man and man, or woman and woman. Our age says God is not telling the truth and will do no harm to break these rules, this is a lie.

The Corinthians were being led astray from a pure devotion to Christ. 

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