
Thursday 9 January 2020

2 Corinthians 9:1-5 - I know your eagerness to help

This chapter continues the generosity theme. Paul seems to be almost seeking to shame them into giving. Giving is a sensitive issue, and there are examples where preachers seek to manipulate people into giving. At the other extreme there can be a reluctance to talk about money. So what are we to learn from these two chapters? One is a willingness to speak about money. The issue that Paul is addressing most in these current verses is that words and actions need to match up, and sometimes practical help is needed with that. The Corinthians had earlier expressed a willingness to help out, and their enthusiasm had encouraged others to give as well. So Paul was not manipulating them. However, it appears that their initial enthusiasm had not yet been fully carried through into action. Failure to do this would have resulted in shame for the Corinthians and made the other churches wonder. Paul is sending people so that they can fulfil their earlier promises.


Paul continues with the theme of “what would others think if they saw that your earlier proclamations were just empty words?”. In particular he cites the Macedonians as an example, a church which had been exceedingly generous. So Paul has taken practical steps so that the gift of the Corinthians will be seen as a generous gift, rather than one given somewhat grudgingly.

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