
Saturday 25 January 2020

2 Corinthians 11:14-16 - Satan masquerades as an angel of light

The false teachers were masquerading as “apostles of Christ”, Paul then turns the screw, saying that Satan masquerades as an angel of light. Pretending to be something or someone good when in fact you are evil is a common tactic of the devil. Look at the evils in society. Dictators claim to be helping the people, and then when in power the true nature comes out. I am writing this a few days after Robert Mugabe’s death. He came to power as a hero of Zimbabwean people, but turned out to be an evil tyrant. During his reign life expectancy in Zimbabwe fell from just under sixty to the mid thirties. The abortion bill in 1967 was promoted as being necessary to prevent the evil backstreet abortions, it soon morphed into abortion on demand with countless lives being ended in the womb each year.
“Their end will be what their actions deserve”. There is no beating about the bush from Paul, no slowness to call evil what it truly is.


“Let no one take me for a fool”. Paul was probably accused of being a fool. He tells the Corinthians that he is no such thing and that they would be foolish to take him as such. Paul was preaching life, the others were preaching death. However, he recognises the nature and effect of what the “super-apostles” were preaching and saying. So for a while Paul will “boast”, and since the Corinthians seem so keen to listen to those who speak about themselves, he bids that they may listen to him speaking about himself for a while. But the way that Paul speaks about himself will prove to be very different from the way that the super-apostles did.

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