
Friday 31 January 2020

2 Corinthians 12:6,7 - A thorn in the flesh

Paul does not want to boast, but that is not because he has achieved nothing, nor that there is nothing he could boast about if he set his mind to it. When some people boast they are essentially being fools, for they really have nothing to boast about, they have achieved very little, and most people who hear them boast know it! Paul had done many things, but he did not want to boast. So if the accusers said Paul refuses to boast because he has nothing to boast about they were wrong. But of Paul did boast people would then start focusing on him, instead of focusing on Christ.


Now look at what Paul does. He has just said he does not want to boast about himself. One might now think “what a wonderful upstanding fellow he is, what great moral character!” So his refusing to boast becomes a form of boasting! But look at what Paul actually says,. He says “a messenger from Satan” was sent to “keep me from becoming conceited”. He is making sure that they did not think that this humility was something that brought great merit to Paul. Now there is great debate about what exactly the “messenger from Satan” or the “thorn in the flesh” were. Many theories, very little knowledge. We are not told, and that is not the point that Paul is making. So let’s focus on what the Bible wants us to focus on. Something happened that was not very pleasant or desirable and the effect was to make sure that Paul did not get too full of himself. Sometimes things will happen in our life, sent by God, to help keep us humble.

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