
Saturday 6 July 2019

Mark 11:18-20 - The fig tree has withered

True to form, the chief priests instead of receiving Jesus’ actions and words as a call to consider their ways and repent, saw it as a need for them to protect their position. Their authority was being challenged. Indeed, the gospel challenges all human authority, for virtually all human authority is acting as authority under itself, not authority under God. We are all answerable to God for what we do, and Jesus and the gospel remind us of that fact. So the chief priests reacted in the only way they knew how, they planned to kill Jesus. They were acting under fear, for the crowd recognised something good about Jesus.

Jesus and the disciples were staying at Bethany, outside the city. The city would be especially crowded with people because it was festival time. This is also why the temple and the moneychangers would be particularly busy. The crucifixion of Jesus and all the events surrounding this took place at one of the busiest times of year for Jerusalem, On the way out of the city they see that the fig tree that Jesus cursed has indeed withered. The fact that it had withered from the roots meant that there was no hope for it. This was a severe warning of what would happen to Jerusalem.

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