
Saturday 22 June 2019

Mark 10:15,16 - Receiving the kingdom


So in order to enter the kingdom we need to receive it as a child, ie having no sense of our own self-importance. We can get very sentimental when we talk about entering the kingdom of God as a child. This is all well and good, but we should also remember that Jesus said this to the disciples, to men who would face death for the sake of the gospel. We may face very testing times in life. In the West it is quite possible that we will face a period of direct persecution. If this does happen, then we will only be in the same position as many, many of our brothers and sisters throughout the world. But if it does happen we will need boldness and courage, but we will also need to know that God is our Father and we are His children. It is worth remembering that the time when Jesus used the phrase “Abba, Father” in prayer was in Gethsemane. Again, we love to sentimentalise this phrase, but we should remember that in the times of severest testing we need to pray to Abba, Father.

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