
Thursday 13 June 2019

Isaiah 19:1-4 - An oracle concerning Egypt

This time we are definitely dealing with Egypt, or rather, God is dealing with Egypt. At the time Egypt was a rather divided nation, and the Assyrian threat may have served to galvanise the various regional rulers into a more untied entity. The idols of Egypt tremble, and the hearts of the Egyptians melt within them. The people put their trust in the idols that they worshipped. Verse 2 is probably a reference to the various fractious dynasties within Egypt.


Despite its divided nature, Egypt was a proud nation, but her plans will come to nothing. They would consult the spirits of the dead and mediums, and we know that the Egyptians had a keen interest in the dead. But all this would be to no avail, and Egypt would be handed over to the Assyrians, Esarhaddon conquered Egypt in 670 BC.

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