
Tuesday 11 June 2019

Isaiah 17:12-14 - The nations will flee away

Many of the events and prophecies in Isaiah (as in other prophets) pertain to particular situations and peoples, but they are indicative of God’s overall plan. So salvation for the Jews was also salvation for all peoples. Likewise, judgement and warnings to one nation were warnings for all nations. Many nations get a high opinion of themselves at some stage in history, and they then “roar”, boasting of their prowess. They make a big noise, seeming to be so powerful, whether militarily or economically. But when God “roars back” they are quickly shown to be nothing at all. So in v14 Isaiah declares that the nations that seemingly hold sway over Israel, or threaten her, are really nothing at all. Today there are many anti-Christian forces in the world, some violent others oppressive. We need to remember, like Isaiah, that they are really nothing at all.

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