
Monday 17 June 2019

Isaiah 19:21,22 - The Lord will make Himself known to the Egyptians

“So the Lord will make Himself known” The global vision of Isaiah is amazing, and something that could not be produced by the culture, but only by the Spirit of God. It is only God who would have thought of making Himself known to a people who were the enemies of Israel, who had no interest in knowing God. This is preparing us for a later prophecy of Isaiah. It should also give us hope for our nation, a nation that has no interest in knowing God. That does not mean that God has no interest in knowing them! The Egyptians would turn to the Lord and worship Him, and make sacrifices to Him.


How could this happen? Well the route would not be easy. “The Lord will strike them with a plague, He will strike them and heal them”. There is nothing automatic about this. In Moses’ day God struck them with ten plagues and Egypt did not turn to God. In Revelation we read of peoples being struck with various plagues, yet they would not turn to God. But this does not mean a people can never turn to God. We should pray for our nations, we should pray for a spirit of repentance to come upon our land.

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