
Saturday 8 June 2019

Isaiah 17:1-6 - The glory of Jacob will be brought low

This chapter has the title in most Bibles of “A prophecy against Damascus” or something similar. This is somewhat misleading as it is actually about Damascus and Ephraim (the Northern Kingdom of Israel). Israel (northern kingdom) had made a treaty with Damascus (Is 7:1-16; 8:1-4). This prophecy demonstrates the foolishness of the alliance. Damascus, the one Israel was trusting in, was destroyed by Assyria in 732 BC. The “fortified city” of v3 is a symbol of what Israel was relying on, her supposed strength and refuge would disappear. Aram is Syria. “The remnant of Aram will be like the glory of the Israelites”. This is a mocking by God of how low Aram would sink. Today we sadly see similar destruction of Syria and Damascus.


It is not just Damascus that will be brought low, Israel would also be brought low. When God’s people make an alliance with some ungodly nation they are acting like fools. The ungodly nation will probably be boasting of its prowess in some sphere or other, but because of its ungodliness that nation will be brought low. And if God’s people have allied themselves with that ungodly nation, they too will be brought low. This also applies to the church when it seeks refuge or salvation in the world, which sadly it does all too often. Yet in the midst of this judgement, some will remain (v6).

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