
Sunday 24 March 2024

Judges 16:28-31 - Sovereign Lord, remember me


Samson now prays to the Lord. This is the first time he has turned to God. He knows that the strength he had came from the Lord. Note that his hair had already begun to grow again (16:22), so it is not the hair that was the source of his strength, but the Lord himself. Even so, Samson’s motive is to get revenge for his two eyes having been gouged out by the Philistines.


NIV has “Samson reached toward the two central pillars”, ESV has “Samson grasped the two middle pillars”, ESV is probably a more accurate translation here, though it doesn’t make a great deal of difference. Whatever the case, Samson pulled down to the two pillars so that the temple collapsed, killing everyone in it, including Samson himself. So that “he killed many more when he died than while he lived”. His body was recovered by his family and he was buried in the tomb of his father. We are once again told that he led/judged Israel for twenty years. And the sorry tale comes to an end, but things are going to get worse in Judges.

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