
Monday 11 March 2024

Judges 13:20-25 - We have seen God!


The flames of the sacrifice blazed up from the altar towards heaven, and at the same time the angel of the Lord ascended in the flame. This was an awesome sight, causing Manoah and his wife to fall with their faces to the ground. They did not see the angel of the Lord again, and Manoah at last realises that it is the angel of the Lord that they had been meeting with.


Manoah is filled with fear, surmising that they are about to die because they have seen God. His wife demonstrates greater spiritual insight, saying that if that had been God’s intention then He would not have accepted their sacrifice.Likewise, it is because of God’s acceptance of the sacrifice of His Son, demonstrated by the resurrection, that we can be confident that God does not intend to destroy us. Note that she also draws attention to the fact that the Lord had given them clear instructions, He had a purpose for their lives. Likewise, God has a purpose for us.


The word of the Lord did come true, and the woman gave birth to a son, and named him Samson. He grew up and was blessed by the Lord. The Spirit of the Lord began to work in his life, preparing him for God’s purpose.

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