
Friday 8 March 2024

Acts 17:8-10 - The city was thrown into turmoil


As often in the Acts, and elsewhere in the Bible, we see how easily crowds  are “thrown into turmoil”. “Crowds” are very fickle and one must always be wary of being swayed by them. The reason here is that the city and its officials were fearful of upsetting Rome. For to do this would lay them open to sanctions of one sort or another. So they released Jason and the others on bail. This seems a rather off reaction to the charge against them and the fear the officials had.


Paul and Silas must have been hiding somewhere, so when it was night the believers sent them away to Berea. Berea was about fifty miles away. Once they got there, Paul and SIlas went to the synagogue. They were not to be deterred from their usual practice. Synagogues gave them a platform, and events showed that they were also effective in reaching out beyond the Jewish population.

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