
Sunday 10 March 2024

Acts 17:13-15 - They agitated the crowds


However, the Jews of Thessalonica were not noble at all, at least the ones who had stirred up trouble before, and who now hound Paul and his companions. It was not enough for them to throw Paul out of Thessalonica, they wanted to stop him preaching anywhere. So they chased after him and sought to employ the same tactics that they had used before.


The believers were undoubtedly aware of what had happened in Thessalonica and sent Paul to the coast. Silas and Timothy, however, stayed in Berea. It seems apparent that Paul had become the figurehead as far as the agitators were concerned. Some believers went with Paul and escorted him to Athens. Silas and Timothy were to join him as soon as possible. In a number of the letters there are mentions of Silas and Timothy and others joining Paul, or being left somewhere to carry out the work of the gospel. We also read of times when Paul was unable to visit a certain church, or his visit was delayed. The accounts in Acts are consistent with this.

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