
Sunday 17 March 2024

Judges 15:6-10 - Who did this?


Not surprisingly, the Philistines are none too pleased about the situation and want to know who was responsible. They found out that it was Samson. Note that the woman is still referred to as his “wife”, and Samson as “the Timnite’s son-in-law”. So they take revenge on the Timinite and his daughter. The whole episode is one of endless destruction. One cannot but help seeing some parallels with the Israel-Palestine situation (without wanting to press the similarity too far).


One act of wanton destruction begets another, and so it continues. Samson now vows to get further revenge against the Philistines, and so slaughters many of them. After this he goes and hides in a cave. Meanwhile, the Philistines go and camp in Judah. Samson’s actions are a one-man crusade, and the Judeans want  to know why the Philistines are camping against them.

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