
Friday 6 May 2022

John 13:36-38 - You will follow afterward


Instead of focusing on the new commandment, Peter’s (and probably most or all of the other disciples) is centred on where Jesus is going). Peter had little understanding of what Jesus meant when He said He was going away. It is implicit that Peter wanted to follow Jesus, but at this time he could not follow, “but you will follow afterward”. One day we will go to be with Christ. 


Peter wants to follow Jesus now and cannot understand why he cannot do so. After all, when Jesus first called Peter He said “Follow Me!”. So it was natural of Peter to ask why the “follow me” command no longer seemed to apply. Peter then declares that he would lay down his life for Jesus. Jesus does not actually say that Peter would not lay down his life for Christ, for one day He would indeed do so. And in the interim would suffer much for the sake of the gospel. However, before this could happen much change needed to take place within Peter, and Jesus tells him plainly that Peter would deny Jesus three times.

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