
Tuesday 10 May 2022

Exodus 6:1-3 - Now you shall see what I will do


The Israelites had been complaining to Moses that he had caused nothing but trouble, and Moses had complained to God that He had caused nothing but trouble! We now get God’s response, and the response is that”you shall see what I will do to Pharaoh”, and the Promise that Pharaoh would actually send them out of the land. So while at present he seemed determined to keep the Israelites there as slaves, the eventual outcome would be that he would be desperate to get rid of them. This does leave the question of why did God let Pharaoh have his initial reaction of increasing the burden on the slaves? One thing it did do was demonstrate the nature of Pharaoh, as will the various plagues that are about to come. It also shows that the Israelites could not free themselves, and nor could Moses free them.


God then reminds Moses who He is. If we are to do anything worthwhile in life we need to know who the Lord is. God reminds Moses that He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He had revealed Himself to them as “God Almighty”, “El-Shaddai”, but He had not revealed Himself as LORD, or Yahweh. God was revealing Himself to Moses, and to the nation, in a new way. This new revelation was in no way contradicting the previous revelation, but was building upon it. Just as the revelation of Christ in the New Testament does not contradict the Old Testament, but builds upon it. Indeed, without the Old Testament, the New Testament makes no sense.

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