
Wednesday 22 July 2020

Matthew 6:25,26 - Do not worry about your life

Notice the “therefore” here, “therefore I tell you , do not worry ...” This follows on from what Jesus has been saying about treasures in heaven, and not serving money. Why are we so prone to serving money? It is because we believe that we need money in order to survive, in order to live. Sometimes it is pure greed that makes us serve money, but insecurity is by far the more common cause. So Jesus is addressing the root cause of our propensity to worship money. He tells us not worry about our daily needs, and that life is more than our daily needs. It is not that we do not need food and clothing, as Jesus will explicitly say later, but that we have a far higher purpose for our lives. 


Jesus then draws our attention to the birds of the air. They do not spend their time worrying, they just get on with being birds! For God provides for them. Of course, this does not mean they do not do anything to get their food, they have to go and look for it, but God does provide for them. So we should live our lives on the assumption that God will provide for us, especially as we are far more important than birds. These days there are some nutters who think we are just like birds and animals, and are no different from them. This is simply not true, and observably not true. We should care for animals and birds properly, but we are the only creatures who were made in God’s image.

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