
Tuesday 21 July 2020

Matthew 6:22-24 - No one can serve two masters

“If your eyes are healthy “. How we view life, our outlook or worldview is so important. If we look at life with an earthbound perspective we get things wrong. We need to look at things from a Jesus perspective, a Biblical outlook. If we do that “our whole body will be full of light”. Conversely, if we look at things from a self-centred perspective, or a worldly perspective, “our whole body will be full of darkness”. It will have a deadly serious effect on everything about us, on our own well being (or lack of), and our effect on other people and the world around us. But if we have a Godly perspective then we will have a positive effect on the world around us.


This verse rounds up the whole discussion. We cannot serve two masters, and this verse makes clear that the two masters that Jesus has in mind are God and money. We will love one and hate the other. We need to put God first. So what do we then do about money? Does that mean it becomes irrelevant? No. If we serve money it becomes an end in itself. We want to horde more and more of it, and then God seems to be an enemy, for He has other purposes. A key question we can ask ourselves is how do we view giving to the church? Do we see it as reducing the amount of money we have, or do we see it as a good use of our money? Money becomes a means to an end, not an end in itself. So serving God is the end, is what we live for, and money is one of the means of doing that.

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