
Tuesday 7 July 2020

Matthew 5:25-28 - You will never get out

Again, see what Jesus is doing. When we get angry we tend to be full of self-righteousness, we are setting ourselves up as the judge of the matter. And, of course, we find in our favour and against the other person. Jesus reminds us here that we will all be judged, we are all answerable to God. Remembering that puts life in a completely different perspective, and makes us far more likely to live godly lives.


We now come to adultery and lust. People would pride themselves on not committing adultery because they had never slept with someone who wasn’t their wife, but Jesus points us to the attitudes of our hearts. If we look at someone with lustful intent then we have committed adultery in our heart.  Now, this is not saying it is as bad as actually committing adultery, but the seeds of adultery are in our heart. If someone actually commits adultery it is very difficult (but not impossible) to restore the relationship, it causes a tremendous amount of harm and pain. What Jesus is saying is that He is concerned with dealing with the root of sinful behaviour. Being a sinner isn’t just about what we do, it is about what and who we are.

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